

The path of discrimination

The path of intellectual pursuit is the path of
discrimination, a process through which we can so regulate and train our thoughts that,
  • at the impact of any object of the world,
  • it is immediately reminded of the Eternal Consciousness,
  • without which the object would not have been illumined for the mind's experience.
Swami Chinmayananda in his commentary of holy Geeta chapter-10-verse-9

Date: Jan 29, 2008 12:39 PM

---------- special message from: RAM New Zealand----------
By the editor:
What is the difference in method preached by Saints like Namdeo, Tukaram and the method of today's Swami Vivekanand, Swami Chinmayanand?

There is a noticeable, glaring difference in method of pursuit of the divine prescribed by earlier Saints and today's Swamis.

Earlier Saints predominantly used
emotion and preached bhakti as the road to divinity whereas Swamis today predominantly appeal to peoples intellect and advocate vivek as powerful tool.

What is Vivek?

Vivek is the ability to distinguish the ephemeral, the changing as against the changeless, the eternal.

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