
October 2

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, author of 'My Experiments with Truth', was a staunch advocate of nonviolent means of fighting. Paradoxical though it may sound, this master leader the country to Freedom from the British rule. Thus, India is the only country that achieved independence by nonviolence.

In fact Indian history reveals that though mighty and prosperous it never attacked other lands and enslaved them and robbed them of their bounty.

Today, India is left with smithereens after the British scraped, stripped and stole all its wealth. How can one call the British 'Empire' unless 'Empire' is a synonym of 'plunderer'.

The brave and venerable Martin Luther King, inspired by this Great Soul, adopted the technique perfected by M. K. Gandhi.

Nobel prize for peace was never given to him because, I guess, his stature was just awesome, too high.

All the currency in India today bears the insignia of M. K. Gandhi, whom people of India endearingly call 'Mahatma', meaning the 'Great Soul'.

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