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गुरु पौर्णिमा
Today India celebrates Guru Pournima!

GURU = Pronunciation GU as in 'goo'd; RU as in 'roo'st.

Ashadi Ekadashi (11th day) is followed by (15th day) full moon day called Pournima. This day, called as GURU POURNIMA is dedicated to the worship of GURU, the spiritual teacher. Westerners may consider it akin to Father's Day or Mother's Day.

The HIGHEST BLISS that can be attained is Self Realization. The instructor on the path divine is GURU, literally meaning the one who removes darkness. This main samnskrit word, GURU, is used in the same sense in almost all the languages spoken in India.

Why this particular day?
GURU POURNIMA is a day of expressing reverence to the GURU. GURU or the spiritual masters keep moving from place to place. Chaturmas (literally meaning four months) begins with the month Ashad of the Indian calendar. In these four months the itinerant monks traditionally stay at one place. This could be as a shelter from rain and monsoon weather. Usually wherever the Master stays curious people gather around and 'satsang' literally meaning 'company of Truth' begins. Over four months systematic study of scriptures can be undertaken hence before the beginning of such study reverence, thereby readiness to learn, is shown by the students.

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